Android controlled door opening Linux WiFi router
Android controlled door opening Linux WiFi router: "
Sunlight Labs, known for opening America's government, had a problem when they recently moved facilities. Creating new keys for team members was becoming costly, so they figured out an alternative method of providing secure access using a WRT54GL, easily sourced components, and a trusty copy of Make: Electronics. [Thanks, Nicko!]With the firmware installed, I was able to SSH into the router and perform some simple manipulations of the system's GPIOs -- General Purpose Input/Outputs. These connect to things like the system's LEDs and switches, and can be controlled in software. I selected a GPIO that didn't seem to be used by OpenWRT -- it illuminates the 'DMZ' LED on the front panel -- and wrote a very simple script to control it. I could now flip a tiny light on and off from a network connection.
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Make: Electronics
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