10 Tips For Building Your Next-Gen Marketing Team
There’s increased audience segmentation, a growing choice of marketing vehicles, the necessary integration of more third-party providers, and the seemingly endless touch points for any given brand that necessitates new relationships from HR and sales to IT and customer service. “The CMO today has really got to use the maximum amount of peripheral vision both internally and externally,” said Lynne Seid, partner in the global marketing officers practice of executive recruiter Heidrick & Struggles.
The key is to build a corporate marketing team for tomorrow. “It’s very difficult to think you’re going to be able to construct the perfect message with the perfect execution anymore. If you linger too long or hesitate, someone will beat you to the punch,” said Gayle Meredith, CMO at commercial real estate firm Cassidy Turley, in an interview with CMO.com. “You have to construct a team that can help you quickly assemble different pieces that you need.”