
The 10 Biggest Breasts In The World

Simply The Breast The 10 Biggest Breasts In The World There isn't a man alive who doesn't love large breasts, but sometimes they can be too big. It's a strange thing for a man to say that "those boobs are too big for my taste," but it's true. This is why I always recommend marrying a woman with a small C cup or smaller. If you don't, you're going to deal with some unsightly boobies when she gets older. #10 Lolo Ferrari (36G) - The French model and singer was dubbed "the woman with the largest breasts in the world" by the French Guinness Book of World Records in 1996. Lets just say that a lot has happened since then in the boob world. #9 Busty Heart (46H) - A former model and stripper, Busty now owns a strip club called "Busty Heart's Place" in Pennsylvania. Now she spends her spare time appearing on shows like America's Got Talent , The Man Show and Steve Harvey's Big Time Challenge crushing things wi

Free software tools for designing productive community sites

Short URL: FSM Columnist: Trusted Terry Hancock 2008-10-07 5 Up Down Tags: community , social networking , virtual reality , web applications , wikis Write a full post in response to this! These days there’s a lot of buzz about “Web 2.0” and making websites more interactive, but what’s really going on is a reconnection to the community nature of the internet. Collaboration, cooperation, and the information commons are all ideas that pre-dated the world wide web in the form of older internet technologies. In today’s distributed computing environment, though, these technologies have really flourished. Here’s a guide to eight that you should consider making use of in building a community around an information commons project of any kind, from multimedia, to hardware, to software. Community-building tools The early twenty-first century has brought us some excellent tools for building more sophisticated and responsive communities around peer production p

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Yahoo-Microsoft Kesulitan Kejar Google INILAH.COM, Jakarta – Untuk mengejar Google Inc bukan hal mudah. Bahkan raksasa Yahoo! dan Microsoft yang menggabungkan kekuatan masih sulit menjadi pesaing Google. Menurut periset comScore Inc, Google mencapai rata-rata 54,5 pencarian sebulan. Dua kali lipat dibandingkan gabungan Yahoo! dan Microsoft. Dua perusahaan itu rata-rata hanya memiliki 26,9 kali sebulan. ComScore juga menemukan pencarian Google memiliki loyalitas tertinggi mendekati 70% di situsnya. Orang yang menggunakan Yahoo! dan Microsoft hanya 33%. “Meskipun Yahoo! dan Microsoft yang mengukuhkan perjanjian setelah 10 tahun di bulan Juli untuk melawan Google masih harus bekerja keras dalam hal market share, tapi mereka memiliki kesempatan nyata karean sudah menguasai hampir sepertiga pencarian," kata analis comScore Eli Goodman. Ia menambahkan, jika mereka dapat melakukan seeprti apa yang dilakukan user di Google, maka Yahoo! dan Microsoft yang baru saja meluncurkan Bing akan bi

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